Monday, January 4, 2010

1 year and 9 months passed since my last blog, my happiest moments in Pakistan, but anyway not that much has been missed since then unfortunately...fantastic financial crisis made me look for a job for a year without finding anything I was looking for (Except a 3 months CSR consultant position, which ended in the closing up of the company) and a 2 months summer fun in Brussels at the International Crisis Group. Survived 9 months in Hungary and the except being with my family I realized that there is no reason for me to be there. (Don't get me wrong, Budapest is the most beautiful and culturally fun place to live, but nothing of what I am looking for can be found there.) I got depressed of finding no job, boyfriend or even friends so after a soul breaking eye-opening Solution conference in Wien, I decided I will finally and lastly try to do what I really want and went to get professionalised in Humanitarian Action. (lets say I wanted to work, work and work, but it is hard without a job, so went back to study). After the best 2 weeks I had for years, in the IP of NOHA program in Aix-en-Provance - where I found out on the first day that I am not an alien cos 150 other people just like me and even worse :) were there, with all the biggest organizations I ever dreamed to meet and so much fun and everything else a girl might dream of - I am trying to survive the hard, cold life in Dublin during my first semester. Sure lot of other things happened these almost 2 years as well, but nothing really remarkable (no marriage, babies, serious boyfriends, jobs or trips) maybe except the great seminars of GLEN, which made same sense for me to go on, learned a lot and met great people. So the Pakistani experience will be written some time, somewhere, although I always forget everything, henc eI hate myself not to wrtie ever, but when I am happy and busy have no time for it and when I am not have no willingness for and already forgot most of the happenings. But was one of the best times for me and still very connected and missing it as well. HAd the best job ever, met the best people and traveled to Nepal, North-India and North-Pakistan. Very special times.
So now that it is 2010 beginning of January, will try to write more, at least for myself, cos I forget and for the others as well, as I was not the best to keep updating people on myself. I would have soo many thought to write about, especially since I started these studies, we think so much ;), but have to finish 2 papers in 2 days - I know, totally impossible - so just shortly today thoughts.

I was quite sad yesterday to leave from home after 3 weeks of hectic and chaotic holidays, but still family and never know when will meet them again and coming back to the cold, lonely house alone again. But till now (12 hours passed) better than expected, beautiful snow and sunshine! Looks like Irish people are not used to any winter never, cos everything is closed, buses are rarely running, nobody on the roads, even the library is closed, uni is empty and all this cos of 1 cm of snow??? True that ice is all over, hard even to walk, but come on,maybe some salt to put on it? Surely, this did not stop the riish to go on their bikes in comment :) and on the way back finally started to read about Ireland, culture and stuff and got lot of interesting info, cos only by living here could not really see the dance, music, instruments, legends, literature and all these famous Irish heritage. So lets use these last few weeks to do something useful finally:)
Welcome 2010!!!! We have 2 years left anyway, right? ;)